
America (Nekotalia)

Deviation Actions

LadyVixen911's avatar

Literature Text


You looked around at the cats, but none of them really caught your eye. That wasn’t to say they were boring or normal. On the contrary, each one of them had their own unique traits, but none of seemed to fit you.

You glanced at the kitten pen and decided that if you got a feline, you’d prefer it to be a kitten. Sure, they were a lot of work in the beginning, but you’d have them for years longer than you would a cat.

Walking over, you made sure not to step on any paws or tails that might have gotten under your feet. As you got closer you saw a dark, blackish colored cat with brown eyes sitting next to the pen and staring at three kittens in the pen, which were pressed against it meowing at the older feline.

Careful not to step on them as you walked over the gate, you sat down. They were all so cute!!! You had to remind yourself several times that you could only take one home.

“Alright, let’s see…..” You mutter beginning to watch the kittens. You saw a white kitten with a brown spot on the tip of her tail and a pink flower behind each ear. You assumed it was a girl since she had pink flowers behind her ears. Another white cat was batting at a ball. He had dark grey spot on his head, one on its left side near its rump and towards the end of its tail. It had dark markings above its eyes, mimicking eyebrows and a slight curl on its head.

It batted the ball to the other end of the cage, startling an off white-yellowish kitten with a reddish brown ruffle around its neck and matching colored tail. It had a stray loop of fur on its head and violet eyes. It mewed in fright and ran behind another cat that looked similar, except it was white with a brown ruffle of fur around its neck and matching colored tail. It looked at the ball that was slowly coming to a stop and pounced on it. It rolled with the ball so it was now on its head, still holding the ball. It batted it around a few times, rolling on top of it after awhile. The little one wound up on its back, tossing the ball into the air. It must have gotten bored, because it tossed it into the air once more and rolled over onto its paws. It shook its fur out with a tiny meow. You could only watch as the ball came back to earth, landing on the poor thing’s head. “Mya!” It meowed in fright, shaking it’s head before turning to the ball and lowering itself down into the crouching position, it’s little butt swaying in the air before it attacked. Its little claws sprang out and it landed on the ball, only to roll over onto its side, still holding the ball.

You could help but laugh. The little one seemed so lively! Its small ears perked up and swiveled in your direction. Picking up the ball as best it could, it slowly brought it over to you. “Hello~” You cooed, unable to resist the kitten. Carefully you picked it up under the arms and watched the ball as it was dropped from its mouth. It was then you realized it was a boy, not that you were purposefully looking or anything.

You smiled at him before setting him down on the ground. He licked his paw a bit before padding off after the ball and batting it towards you. You laughed a bit and slowly rolled it back. The kitten lay on its stomach and batted it back. This went on for awhile until the door opened and Sofia stepped inside.

“Hello (y/n). Find any feline you’d like to take home?” She asked as she walked over. The little kitten was still batting the ball to you as Sofia stepped over the pen and sat beside you, laughing as you rolled the ball back to the kitten.

“That’s Alfred.” She replied. “His littermate, Matthew, is over there.” She replied, pointing to the kitten who’d been scared by the ball before. As Sofia was pointing the other kitten out to you, Alfred had decided to take a nap on your lap and walked over; curling up in the space created from you sitting Indian-style, and promptly fell asleep. “He’s adorable.” You cooed softly, gently running a finger down the small kit’s back. “He’s only a hundred dollars, and he’s already been to the vet’s and had his shots and a clean bill of health.” She replied enthusiastically, trying to encourage you walking out with him. “What’s his story?” You asked, seeing that he looked extremely young. “His old owners dropped him off here a few weeks ago. They said that their one cat had gotten out and when they finally found her, she was pregnant. She gave birth to a litter of about five kittens, but Alfred and Matthew are the only ones that survived. The Scottish Fold over there came in with them. Said he wouldn’t leave their side, so they were getting rid of all of them together. We didn’t think either kitten was going to make it, but sure enough, the bundles of fur are right here.” She replied, laughing as Alfred climbed over his brother to bat at a clump of feathers suspended on a string. “So wait, their cat gets pregnant and they just leave the kittens here? And the other cat too?” You asked, not really believing what you’re hearing. “Unfortunately. I’m not really supposed to say anything, but I don’t think they dropped Alfred and Matthew here because they wanted them to get adopted. Personally, I think nothing else worked.” She replied vaguely. You knew what she’d meant. The reason that only two kittens survived and that they were in such bad shape when they were brought here was simple: they were trying to kill the kittens.

You both sat and watched as Alfred ran around the pen, playing with anything and everything. “He’s like this all the time?” You asked. Sofia laughed. “Yes. He’s so full of energy it’s almost as if he never runs out!” You couldn’t help but frown when you heard that.

You wanted an energetic kitten, but with you working the hours you did, you wouldn’t be home as often as you’d like and you didn’t want to come home to him having destroyed the house.

“He won’t get destructive, if that’s what you’re worried about.” You glanced as Sofia to see her looking at you. “He’s had owners before, but they’ve all brought him back.” You had just opened your mouth to question why when Sofia continued. “One family wanted him because they’d promised their children a pet, but they figured a dog was too much work so they decided on a kitten. Alfred had only been there for four days before they brought him back. The parents said that the children weren’t taking care of him. They didn’t feed him or give him water, didn’t play with him and just let him go to the bathroom where ever he wanted, only to yell at him for it when their parents yelled at them. The next owners brought him back because they said he was destructive. He was always getting into things and getting up where he wasn’t supposed to. I tried telling them that it was because he was a kitten and didn’t know any better, but they still refused.”

“Poor little guy.” You muttered, watching as he pounced on his brother, who meowed in protest at being tackled to the ground. “Mrow.” A meow caught your attention and you turned to look at the Scottish Fold who’d sat down in front of the diamond patterned gate. Hearing him, the two kittens scampered over and sat down a few inches from the gate. Matthew mewed happily in response. Alfred walked over, sniffed the older cat, and then dashed back over to you, tripping over your hand and sprawling out on the ground. The older cat seemed to heave a tired sigh while the sibling just cocked his head. Alfred righted himself and got into your lap, scaling your clothing to sit on your shoulders where he circled a few times, curling into a ball and staring at the other two.

Sofia watched warily as the male cat stood and leaped over the gate, padding over to you. He sat on his butt and meowed at the kitten, which meowed back. The older cat meowed again, and again he got a response. This continued for awhile, and it reminded you of an irate parent calling their child over when they refused to listen. You reached up and gently poked the kitten in the nose, causing it to rear its head back and blink. “Hey, don’t talk back.” You stated. The kitten looked at you and meowed, nuzzling your check and purring.

The Scottish Fold got up and walked right next to you, placing a paw on your knee. When you didn’t respond, his claws came out and dug into your skin just enough to grab your attention. You leaned down a bit to get a better look and the cat grabbed the kitten by the scruff of the neck and stared at you a moment before plopping him down in your lap, giving you one more stare, he turned around and hopped out of the cage. “Wow. Arthur usually doesn’t let people hold Alfred, let alone drop him in their laps.” “I guess I’m taking him home then.” You smiled, staring at the kitten. You didn’t need those hundred dollars anyway. You placed Alfred on the ground and stood, only to wince moments later as you saw a white ball of fur climbing your leg.

Sofia noticed you hadn’t left and turned to look at you, only watch as you winced as the kitten slowly scaled your leg. Slowly as to not dislodge him, you stepped over the gate. You heard the sound of fabric being snagged and glanced down to see Arthur removing the kitten from your leg and setting him on the ground, giving him a reprimanding meow and growling.

The kitten simply purred as he trotted over to you and stood on your shoe. “This isn’t going to work Alfred.” You laughed, picking him up and carrying him.

Sofia went into the backroom to gather the papers for him and left you alone to buy a few things for the kitten. You couldn’t help but laugh when you saw a cat bed designed to resemble a hamburger. You set it on the counter along with a litter pan, litter, cat food, dishes and a few toys. You noted that Alfred was staring at a beanie-filled ball about the size of a baseball. It matched the bed, so you decided to get it for him.

Sofia came back a few moments later with the papers and began to ring them up while you signed them, keeping an eye on Alfred, who was walking around the counter. After you’d read and signed everything you handed the pages to her and grabbed your bags, looking around for your fluff-ball. The two of your heard the sound of something landing in the trash, followed by a happy meow.

Sofia cast you a bewildered look before looking into the trash while you lay across the counter to catch a glimpse as well. Something was moving in the garbage and Sofia moved aside a couple of wrappers before placing her hand inside and pulling out the kitten by the scruff of his neck. In his mouth was a hamburger patty that had been in there at least a week. “Alfred no!” You cried, grabbing the patty and tossing it in the garbage. “Um….” You trailed off, staring at your hand, then at Sofia. She had a slightly disgusted look on her face and was quick to grab the sanitizer from the shelf under the counter and put a generous amount in your hand. Quickly slathering your hand in it you reached for the kitten once it had set in.

Alfred squirmed in the woman’s hold before happily falling into yours and meowing in contentment. “We’re not even home and you’re causing trouble.” You stated, carrying him and the bags to the car. You tossed the bags into the back and placed the kitten on the passenger seat. “Stay there, alright?” You asked, buckling yourself in. Glancing over at the kitten you saw him standing on his hind legs, paw outstretched to the belt. Blinking, you reached over and snapped the contraption in, then watched as he wiggled himself behind the seatbelt, sitting there much like a person would. “Well okay then…..” You muttered, torn between freaking out and gushing over the cute fuzz ball.

~time skip~

It had been a little over a month since you’d gotten the kitten. Looking at him now, he looked like a little sausage roll with his little belly fat. He was surprisingly easy to train, within a week of him being with you, he’d learned to go to the litter when he had to relieve himself, he learned where his water and food were and he learned exactly where he wasn’t allowed. You pretty much allowed him wherever he wanted to go except for the table and countertops. You didn’t like the idea of a cat walking where you cooked and ate your food.

You’d also found out more about his personality. Every time he saw a scary movie on he’d paw at you until you left it on, but he’d always end up either in your lap shaking, trying to burrow behind you or he’d run out of the room with his tail puffed out. Why he insisted on watching them when they scared him half to death, you’d never know. Another thing you’d learned was that having meat out was hazardous. One night you decided to make spaghetti and left the sauce and chunks of hamburger in the pot to cook while you cleaned up the living room a bit. You should have known something was wrong when Al wasn’t in his kitty bed gnawing on his hamburger ball. Disregarding the strange happening, you walked into the kitchen only to shout at the kitten that was on the back of the stove and leaning over the pot. “Alfred!!” You shouted, but it came too late. He’d stretched too far and fell into the sauce with a wet plop.

You rushed over and were quick to turn the stove off and shove your hands into the food and dig the kitten out. You set him on the counter to retrieve a few washcloths to start the long process of getting the sauce out of his fur. When you got back you caught him happily licking his paw and purring. A few nights later you got home from work and decided to cook hotdogs. You set them on the table and went to get a drink, but by the time you turned around to head back to your food, the kitten had already taken a big chunk out of your food.

Eventually you learned you couldn’t leave the kitchen when cooking meat unless you gave him some as well.

When you came home from work Alfred was usually sleeping in his kitty bed, which he only used during the day. At night he insisted on sleeping with you on your bed. He also liked to play. You were amazed the first time you’d tossed his ball, jokingly telling him to fetch. You were shocked when he actually went after it and brought it back. He was surprisingly cuddly too. You would have thought when he didn’t want to play that he would be off doing his own thing. When you sat at the kitchen table or the couch, he’d leap onto your lap. If you were lying down he’d curl up near your stomach, or on your hip. Sometimes he’d even lie on the back of the couch.

Sadly you hadn’t been able to hang out with (f/n) since you had gotten the kitten. You’re schedules just didn’t want to match up. She’d have to work when you had off and vice-versa. Finally she was supposed to be coming over to your place after she got off work. You’d given her a key when you first moved in, so her getting inside while you were at work was no big deal.

~time skip~

Thankfully work had gone by fast tonight and as of seven that night, you had three days off. When you found out (f/n) had two days off too, you immediately demanded she spend the night, to which she readily agreed.

You’d decided to stop for fast food on the way home. It was already going on seven-thirty and you doubted she wanted to cook anything. You up to McDonald’s and ordered yourself (fav. Meal), (your choice) meal for your friend, and a small happy meal for Alfred.

You had just pulled out onto the road when your phone rang. Looking at the caller ID, you noticed it was (f/n) and answered, thinking she was going to ask for food. “Hey, I got the food-“ “(y/n) where are you!?!” She demanded in a harsh whisper. “Five minutes away from home, why?” “HURRY!!!” She whisper-shouted. “Why, what’s wrong?” You asked, slowing beginning to speed up once you got off the main road. “There’s something here!” “What do you mean ‘something’?” You asked. Had someone broken into your house? Was she hurt? Why the hell was she calling you instead of the police!?  You could hear a thud from her line of the phone. “Shit! It’s coming!” “What’s coming? (f/n) what’s coming?!” You shouted into the phone. “STAY AWAY FROM ME!!!!!” She shouted when the sound of a door banging open resounded loudly through your car. The line went dead.

“Damnit!!” You cussed, speeding home. When you reached your house you didn’t bother with parking properly. Instead you simply pulled into the yard, shutting off the car and racing to your front door, which was open.

Your heart was in your throat as you slowly searched around the main floor. You about wet yourself when you heard (f/n) scream as she tumbled down the stairs. You quickly flipped on the light, intending to get a look at the attacker.

An angry “Mrow!!!” Seached your ears the same time your eyes settled on the fur ball beating up your friend. “ALFRED!!!” You shouted at the kitten, who stopped his assault and looked at you. He puffed out fur and hissed at (f/n) before getting off her and happily trotting to you.  “You named that little terror?” She asked, getting up and finally seeing that it was a kitten.

“This ‘little terror’ is my kitten Alfred.” You explained. “He almost killed me!” She exclaimed, walking over to get a closer look at the demonic kitten, who was slowly beginning to calm down and return to his normal size. She bent at the waist a bit so she was eye-level with the kitten. Al reached out and swatted at her, claws extended. “Ah!” She yelped, stumbling back. “Alfred!” You scolded, turning the kitten to face you. “(f/n)’s a friend. We don’t attack friends understand?” The little indiscernible nod was his answer after it registered she was a friend. You nodded in return and set him on the couch. “I’ll be back. I parked in the grass and I’ve got food in the car.” You stated, walking outside and ignoring your best friend, who was starting to panic at the thought of being left alone with the kitten again.

You walked in not five minutes later and saw her pressed against the wall leading into the kitchen. “Problem?” You asked, handing her, her bag. “He’s going to kill me.” “He’s a kitten. Weren’t you the one who insisted on me getting him?” “Yeah, but not one that would kill me! He’s a little demon!” She exclaimed, warily sitting on the couch, making sure you were between her and the cat.

You rolled your eyes and shifted so you were on the other end of the couch and purposefully placed the kitten in the middle. She looked like she was going to have a heart attack! You wanted to laugh, but you fought the urge and grabbed Alfred’s burger and his fries. You smoothed out the bag and placed the food on it. “Hungry?” She asked, eyeing the food. “It’s for him.” You stated, watching as he gave a happy mew and tore into his food.

“He loves hamburgers.” You stated, telling her of the time he fell into a pot of sauce that you were cooking. As you told more and more stories of the kitten’s misadventures, you happily noted she started to relax.

By the end of the night she was completely calm around him and was even playing fetch with him. She jumped a bit when you busted out laughed. “The hell?” She asked, looking at you. “Sorry, I just figured out why he flipped on you. As far as he knew, you were a stranger and he was protecting his master’s home.” She blinked a bit before laughing. Alfred had jumped onto your lap and looked at you. “You were just being my hero, weren’t you little guy?” You asked, stroking his back. He meowed in agreement and settled onto your lap, purring away and forcing your best friend to get up and start the first movie.

About fifteen minutes into it you glanced down and saw that Alfred was happily sleeping away. “Good night, my little hero.” You whispered, bending down to peck the top of his head.  

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